Friday, September 26, 2014

Another white cop shoots unarmed black man -- this time for following orders (Video)


Another white cop shoots unarmed black man -- this time for following orders (Video)

On Wednesday, South Carolina state trooper Sean Groubert, 31, was arrested and charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature after his dashboard camera surfaced and showed the unnecessary, unwarranted, and presumably illegal attack.

The video clearly shows Groubert firing at Levar Jones, a black motorist, at point-blank range as Jones reached into his vehicle to retrieve his driver's license – at Groubert's request.
After the shooting stops, Groubert is heard telling Jones that he “stopped” him because of a seat belt violation.

The dirty details: 

Jones pulls his white SUV into a Shell gas station/convenience store. His vehicle was completely stopped. He removed his seat belt and exited the vehicle.
Groubert pulls up on him and asks, “Can I see your license please?”

Jones then turns back toward the still open door to get his license from the vehicle. 

Groubert in a panic and rage immediately begins screaming, “Get out of the car! Get out of the car!” and begins shooting at the unarmed Jones. Jones had just left his job. He turns and faces this policeman, throws his hands high into the air with his right hand holding onto his wallet.

But the officer continues to fire upon him even while his hands are up. 

Amazingly – and thankfully – of the total of four shots only one hit Jones in the hip, and his injury is not life-threatening.


A recent study has shown that a black man is killed by white police officers, “security” agents, or white vigilante types every 28 hours. 

For those many, many white people – “conservative,” liberal, libertarian, or of any other political persuasion – who insist that “Driving While Black” (DWB) springs from black folks' mass paranoia, or a trigger-happy penchant to play the so-called “race card,” this story with its undeniable video should convince even the most ardent white supremacists that DWB is a real and present danger each and every time a black person turns the ignition in his or her vehicle. 

This time, however, because of (and only because of) the video evidence, it appears that at least a modicum of “justice” may will out. This cop is actually facing criminal charges for his actions and, indeed, has already been fired.

According to The State, former officer Groubert could get 20 years in prison upon conviction. 

Look carefully at this footage. Listen carefully as well. Jones repeatedly asks this cop why he shot him. Finally, Groubert says he stopped him for not wearing his seat belt.
The video shows that Groubert actually passed Jones, backed up, and then approached him. 

After being shot, the cop orders Jones to the ground, hands behind his back. Jones is still trying to figure out why this is happening. “Why did you shoot me?” he asks. “Sir, I was just doing what you asked....getting my license.” 

The cop finally says he shot Jones because he reached head first into his car after what he just knew was a gun. He is heard saying as much just before he fires at Jones who has his back turned to the officer.

Jones, befuddled and injured, says, “I'm sorry.”
The cop never once apologizes for shooting him.
Every 28 hours.

This shocking (and graphic) video may be seen here.


23-year-old Hillary's letter to Chicago 'radical' Saul Alinsky reveals search for truth

Current Events


23-year-old Hillary's letter to Chicago 'radical' Saul Alinsky reveals search for truth

As Hillary Clinton gears up for another expected run for the White House, a previously unpublished 1971 letter between the erstwhile Secretary of State, US Senator, First Lady and the late leftist and Chicago-based “community organizer” Saul Alinsky has been published. 

The Washington Free Beacon posted a 1971 letter from the then 23-year-old law school graduate revealing her still-forming ideological bent and shedding considerable light, with 20-20 hindsight, on Hillary's future intellectual development.
“Dear Saul,” the letter begins. “When is that new book [Rules for Radicals] coming out—or has it come and I somehow missed the fulfillment of Revelation?”

“Rules” was (and still is among many former, current and upcoming “radicals") considered the bible for those who are determined to effect radical change in this nation-state.
The future New York senator continued:

“I have just had my one-thousandth conversation about Reveille [for Radicals – Alinsky's prior tome] and need some new material to throw at people.” 

Alinsky’s widely read 1946 practical and theoretical guidebook on the ways and means of effective (results-oriented) community organizing became a staple among and required reading for those in the 1960s who protested America's war against Vietnam, demanded civil and human rights, Black Power and women's rights. (The Gay Liberation Movement was in its infancy at the time). 

Future First Lady Clinton's '71 letter to Alinsky acknowledged and thanked him for his work in bringing anti-war and human rights movements to the "mainstream" of American political discourse -- and for his profound effects in helping  focus her personal world view:

“If I never thanked you for the encouraging words of last spring in the midst of the Yale-Cambodia madness, I do so now,” wrote Clinton. At the time, she had just played the role of “moderator” during a Yale University student election as to whether that campus should join other campuses which were calling for a nationwide anti-Vietnam War student strike. She had just graduated and moved to California.

“I am living in Berkeley and working in Oakland for the summer and would love to see you,” Clinton wrote. “Let me know if there is any chance of our getting together.”
As to her law school experience, Clinton told Alinsky that she had “survived law school, slightly bruised, with my belief in and zest for organizing intact.”

“The more I’ve seen of places like Yale Law School and the people who haunt them," Clinton wrote, "the more convinced I am that we have the serious business and joy of much work ahead, — if the commitment to a free and open society is ever going to mean more than eloquence and frustration."
The former Republican and “Goldwater Girl” had first met Alinsky as a student at Wellesley in1969.

Alinsky's “Reveille” encouraged community organizers to "fan the latent hostilities" of poor whites, blacks and browns of the ghettoized cities while "search[ing] out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them." 

The book Clinton was so eagarly anticipating urged organizers to "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it," Alinsky wrote.

In an indication that she is not and never has been the total and unrepentant "radical" which today's right loves to aver, she presciently added this little gem to her l971 letter to Alinsky: "Hopefully we can have a good argument sometime in the future."

Alinsky's secretary, Georgia Harper, responded to Clinton's letter telling her that the boss was away on a six-week trip to Southeast Asia, but that she had taken the liberty to read Clinton's letter anyway.

“Since I know his feelings about you I took the liberty of opening your letter because I didn’t want something urgent to wait for two weeks,” Harper wrote in the July 13, 1971, response. “And I’m glad I did.”

“Mr. Alinsky will be in San Francisco, staying at the Hilton Inn at the airport on Monday and Tuesday, July 26 and 27,” Harper added. “I know he would like to have you call him so that if there is a chance in his schedule maybe you can get together.”

Interestingly, according to Clinton's 2004 memoir, "Living History," Alinsky had offered her a job after she finished at Wellesley, but she turned him down in favor of an Ivy League legal education.

“He offered me the chance to work with him when I graduated from college, and he was disappointed that I decided instead to go to law school,” she wrote. “[He] said I would be wasting my time, but my decision was an expression of my belief that the system could be changed from within.”

Saul Alinsky

Yes. For the right wing, conservatives, the Tea Party, et al., Saul Alinsky had a real and present influence in the intellectual development of both Hillary Clinton (and Barack Obama). Both Clinton and Obama studied and to a greater or lesser extent followed his methods of political organization of the poor and marginal. 

Thanks to the right wing's takeover of most media outlets (save the Internet!), Saul Alinsky has come down to us as a shadowy, radical ”Chicago-style” political bogeyman rather than as the actual political philosopher and grass roots activist whose deep-seated beliefs and practical application thereof helped to fuel the often real radicalism of the 1960s. His true meaning and significance in shaping American politics has therefore been virtually completely obscured by a correspondent right wing radicalism which has assigned Alinsky, his motives, and his progidies to an undifferentiated "left wing" world filled to overflowing only with those who "hate" all things “American.” 

This process of delegitimizing Alinsky had begun within his lifetime, and 23-year-old future presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recognized both Alinsky's significance and the right's efforts to discredit him even then. “You are being rediscovered again as the New Left–type politicos are finally beginning to think seriously about the hard work and mechanics of organizing,” she wrote. 

“Hopefully we can have a good argument sometime in the future.”  I repeat and emphasize these words of young Hillary Clinton because they capture the mutual respect she and Alinsky shared while simultaneously acknowledging that there were significant areas of disagreement between the two.
Thus, these words indicate that Hillary Clinton was no “right” or “left” wing ideologue – at least not at the time this letter was written in 1971. 

On the contrary, like most young people during those turbulent times and at that highly impressionable age, she was deeply involved in an active search for the truth. 
